
Climate change is multi-faceted policy area, bringing in stakeholders from a range of geo-political contexts with multiple and overlapping spheres of responsibility. Such complexity is repeated within government, as climate change cuts across traditional bureaucratic lines and challenges established ways of working. Climate change therefore embodies many of the challenges associated with the governance narrative, highlighting the emergence of a fragmented and crowded policy arena. Focusing on the British Government's intra-organizational response to climate change, this article will establish the relevance of the governance narrative to practice and experience within central government, and tease out the broader implications for state capacity. Overall, the article will highlight the emergence of a 'governance cycle', as the unwillingness of government to fundamentally appraise the extent that its institutional structures are fit-for-purpose vis-a-vis the challenges of modern governance has rendered these challenges without adequate resolution, and therefore with the potential for future governance failure.

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