
Writing systems for Sign Languages in the Germanic area.

. Handbook of Germanic writing systems, chapter 9, De Gruyter-Mouton, Berlin, (2025)


Sign Languages (SL) are primarily oral languages, meaning there is no writing system for SL that has been widely adopted by a community of signing deaf people. This assumption makes writing a chapter on notation systems for SL in the Germanic area quite challenging. However, the fact that SL lack a writing system does not mean that attempts have not been made to develop tools aimed at their graphic representation. Therefore, this chapter aims to present various notation systems that have originated or are used in countries where a Germanic language is spoken (even if only by a minority). A clear distinction is made between transcription systems (Stokoe Notation, HamNoSys, etc.) created to enable linguists to conduct analyses on SL -, and writing systems (SignWriting, Si5S/ASLwrite, etc.) designed for everyday writing, or to facilitate the education of young deaf individuals, or to produce literature in SL.

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