
Research on ontology is becoming increasingly widespread in the computer science community, and its importance is being recognized in a multiplicity of research fields and application areas, including knowledge engineering, database design and integration, information retrieval and extraction. We shall use the generic term information systems, in its broadest sense, to collectively refer to these application perspectives. We argue in this paper that so-called ontologies present their own...

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  • @rokummer
  • @bluedolphin
  • @enterldestodes
  • @msn
  • @michael-t-weber
  • @vrandezo
  • @mchaves
  • @mstrohm
  • @asalber
  • @reynares.e
  • @sudhir
  • @dm.kovalev
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  • @schaal
  • @sb3000
  • @pdeleenh
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