Zernike moments (ZMs) have been successfully used in pattern recognition
and image analysis due to their good properties of orthogonality
and rotation invariance. However, their computation by a direct method
is too expensive, which limits the application of ZMs. In this paper,
we present a novel algorithm for fast computation of Zernike moments.
By using the recursive property of Zernike polynomials, the inter-relationship
of the Zernike moments can be established. As a result, the Zernike
moment of order n with repetition m, Znm, can be expressed as a combination
of Zn2,m and Zn4,m. Based on this relationship, the Zernike moment
Znm, for n>m, can be deduced from Zmm. To reduce the computational
complexity, we adopt an algorithm known as systolic array for computing
these latter moments. Using such a strategy, the multiplication number
required in the moment calculation of Zmm can be decreased significantly.
Comparison with known methods shows that our algorithm is as accurate
as the existing methods, but is more efficient.
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