
Convergence of solutions of the Kolmogorov equation to travelling waves

. Mem. Amer. Math. Soc., 44 (285): iv+190 (1983)


The author studies the classical Kolmogorov equation $u_t=12u_xx+f(u)$ which arises in the context of a genetics model for the spread of an advantageous gene through a population. His main results are summarized in the following two theorems. Theorem A gives necessary and sufficient conditions on the initial data for convergence to the travelling waves $w^łambda(x)=u(t,x+t)$, $łambda\geq2$. Theorem A: Let $u(t,x)$ be a solution of $(*)$ $u_t=12u_xx+f(u)$ with $0u(0,x)1$, where $fC^10,1$ satisfies the conditions $f(0)=f(1)=0$, $f(u)>0$ for $0<u<1$, $f'(0)=1$, $f'(u)1$ for $0<u1$ and $1-f'(u)=O(u^\rho)$ for some $\rho>0$. Then (1) for $łambda>2$, $u(t,x+m(t))w^łambda(x)$ uniformly in $x$ as $t\rightarrowınfty$ for some choice of $m(t)$ if and only if for some (all) $h>0$ $$ łim_t\rightarrowınfty1tlogłeftınt_t^t(1+h)u(0,y)\,dy\right=-łambda+łambda^2-2\quadand\tag1\\ ınt_x^x+Nu(0,y)\,dy>ŋ\quadforxłeq-M\tag2 $$ for some $\eta>0$, $M>0$ and $N>0$. (ii) For the case $łambda=2$, $u(t,x+m(t))w^2(x)$ uniformly in $x$ as $t\rightarrowınfty$ for some choice of $m(t)$ if and only if for some (all) $h>0$ $$ łimsup_t\rightarrowınfty1tlogłeftınt_t^t(1+h)u(0,y)\,dy\rightłeq-2 $$ and condition (2) is satisfied. Theorem B gives a precise formula for $m(t)$ in the case $łambda>2$. Theorem B: Let $u(t,x)$ be a solution of $(*)$ as in Theorem A. If conditions (1) and (2) are satisfied, then $m(t)$ may be chosen so that $m(t)=\sup\x;\varphi(t,x)1\$ where $$ \varphi(t,x)=e^tınt_-ınfty^u(0,y)e^-(x-y)^2/2t2t\,dy. $$ The basic technique employed in the article is the use of the Feynman-Kac integral formula in conjunction with sample path estimates for Brownian motion. These estimates for the right tail of $u(t,x)$ are precise enough to allow comparison with the right tail of $w^łambda(x)$, $łambda\geq2$. Such comparison is sufficient to imply convergence to $w^łambda(x)$ as in Theorem A and enable us to compute the position of the wave as in Theorem B.


MR: Publications results for "MR Number=(705746)"

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