
In case-based reasoning (CBR) approaches to product recommendation, descriptions of the available products are stored in a case library and retrieved in response to a query representing the user's requirements. We present an approach to recovery from the <Emphasis Type="Italic">retrieval failures that often occur when the user's requirements are treated as constraints that must be satisfied. Failure to retrieve a matching case triggers a recovery process in which the user is invited to select from a <Emphasis Type="Italic">recovery <Emphasis Type="Italic">set of relaxations (or sub-queries) of her query that are guaranteed to succeed. The suggested relaxations are ranked according to a simple measure of <Emphasis Type="Italic">recovery cost defined in terms of the importance weights assigned to the query attributes. The recovery set for an unsuccessful query also serves as a guide to continued exploration of the product space when none of the cases initially recommended by the system is acceptable to the user


Retrieval Failure and Recovery in Recommender Systems

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  • @mschuber
  • @dblp
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