
The suitability of the two basic insulator designs, namely cap-and-pin insulators and longrod insulators is examin.ed ·for HVDC overhead lines using the mechanical, electrical and thermal stresses as well as the durability requirements of high voltage insulators. The fibreglass longrods (composite longrod insulators) are considered besides to the conventional porcelain longrod insulators. The result of the examination is that essential problems that arise on the cap-~nd-pin insulators (problematic voltage distribution, single unit flashover, corona of the pins, electrolytical corrosion of the insulator body and pins) either do not appear or are much less severe on the longrods. Since the operational reliability and aging resistance of the longrods have been proven in _millions of cases, it is recommended that longrod insulators are to be increasingly included in future international scientific studies and tests for HVDC insulators even in countries which traditionally use cap-and-pin insulators for AC applications.

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