
Stability and vortex states in Bose-Fermi mixture with attraction between bosons and fermions

, and . Abstract Book of the XXIII IUPAP International Conference on Statistical Physics, Genova, Italy, (9-13 July 2007)


Since the first realization of Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) in ultracold atomic gas clouds, studies in this direction have yielded unprecedented insight into the quantum statistical properties of matter. Besides the studies using the bosonic atoms, growing interest is focused on the cooling of fermionic atoms to a temperature regime where quantum effects dominate the properties of the gas. Because s-wave interactions that facilitate evaporative cooling of bosons are absent among spin-polarized fermions due to the exclusion Pauli principle the fermions are cooled to degeneracy through the mediation of fermions in another spin state or via a buffer gas of bosons (sympathetic cooling). The physical properties of Bose-Fermi mixtures are the subject of intensive investigations including the analysis of ground state properties, stability, effective Fermi-Fermi interaction mediated by the bosons, and new quantum phases in optical lattices. In this talk we study the instability and collapses of the trapped boson-fermion mixture due to the boson-fermion attractive interaction in the presence of the quantized vortices, using the effective Hamiltonian for the Bose system which is obtained by integrating out the fermion degrees of freedom 1-5. Using the effective Hamiltonian, a collapse of the trapped boson-fermion mixture due to the boson-fermion attractive interaction without and in the presence of the quantized vortices is studied in the framework of variational Bose wave function and Thomas-Fermi approximation. The properties of the $^87$Rb and $^40$K mixture are analyzed quantitatively. The critical number of bosons for the collapse transition is estimated without and in the presence of the vortices as a function of the fermion number. It is shown that the critical number of bosons increases in the presence of the vortex. The vortex critical velocities are calculated as functions of the numbers of bosons and fermions. We find numerically solutions of modified Gross- Pitaevskii equation which continuously go from stable to unstable branch and discuss the relation of the onset of collapse with macroscopic properties of the system. A comparison with the case of a Bose condensate of atomic $^7Li$ system with a purely attractive interaction is given. The work was supported in part by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (Grant No 05-02-17280). \bigskip 1. S.T. Chui and V.N. Ryzhov, Phys. Rev. A \bf 69, 043607 (2004). 2. S.T. Chui, V.N. Ryzhov, and E.E. Tareyeva, JETP Lettes 80, 274 (2004). 3. A. M. Belemuk, N. M. Chtchelkatchev, S.-.T. Chui, V. N. Ryzhov, Phys. Rev. A 73, 053608 (2006). 4. A. M. Belemuk, S.-T. Chui, and V. N. Ryzhov, JETP Lettes 84, 294 (2006). 5. A. M. Belemuk, S.-T. Chui, and V. N. Ryzhov, cond-mat/0612572.

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