
We study the role of depth in training randomly initialized overparameterized neural networks. We give the first general result showing that depth improves trainability of neural networks by improving the conditioning of certain kernel matrices of the input data. This result holds for arbitrary non-linear activation functions, and we provide a characterization of the improvement in conditioning as a function of the degree of non-linearity and the depth of the network. We provide versions of the result that hold for training just the top layer of the neural network, as well as for training all layers, via the neural tangent kernel. As applications of these general results, we provide a generalization of the results of Das et al. (2019) showing that learnability of deep random neural networks with arbitrary non-linear activations (under mild assumptions) degrades exponentially with depth. Additionally, we show how benign overfitting can occur in deep neural networks via the results of Bartlett et al. (2019b).


[2002.01523] A Deep Conditioning Treatment of Neural Networks

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