
EOS (Energie Ouest Suisse), the largest utility in West Switzerland, is presently constructing a new transmission line near Geneva comprising two 400 kV circuits and one 132 kV circuit. This line is built utilising the same right of way of an existing double circuit 125 kV line, which will be dismantled. For a line length of about 1 km the line passes through a densely populated area, where, even for the existing 125 kV line, due to space limitations, clearances have to be kept to the minimum values prescribed in the national overhead lines code. These clearances are evidently not sufficient to allow the construction of the new 400 kV line. The only possible solution in order not to jeopardize the new construction, was to design a new type of compact line using bidimensional frames as towers. These, together with a new concept of pivoted, braced post, insulated crossarms, employing hollow core silicon rubber composite insulators, made it possible to construct the new, highly uprated 400 kV line within the same right of way of the old 125 kV line. The following paper explains the reasons for the line uprating, describes the main line parameters and gives details of the compact tower design and of the special features of the insulated crossarms used. Last but not least the full scale electrical and mechanical tests carried out in order to validate the critical aspects of this new concept are presented.

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