@inproceedings{nitsche2011supporting, abstract = {We propose a radial user interface which supports phrasing and interactive visual refinement of vague queries in order to search and explore large document sets. The core idea is to provide an integrated view of queries and related results, where both queries and results can be interactively manipulated and changes are immediately visualized. Furthermore, the relevance of queries and results can be gradually changed and thus it is possible for a user to explore effects even of slight query changes. Besides the interface itself, we present results of a first user study. The proposed interface can be applied in many interactive text retrieval scenarios. However, it can also be used to support decision making processes where an exploration and interpretation of complex data sets is required.}, added-at = {2013-12-16T22:18:57.000+0100}, address = {Magdeburg, Germany}, author = {Nitsche, Marcus and Nürnberger, Andreas}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/299323e5b57f892679925bb9a833015bc/mnitsche}, booktitle = {Proceedings of LWA (Lernen Wissen Adaptivit\"{a}t) Workshop 2011}, interhash = {2c85b0a60bf682a03c1d87fcded94306}, intrahash = {99323e5b57f892679925bb9a833015bc}, keywords = {dke myown}, month = sep, timestamp = {2014-01-12T19:41:14.000+0100}, title = {{Supporting vague Query Formulation by using visual Filtering}}, url = {http://lwa2011.dke-research.de/LWA2011_TechReport.pdf}, year = 2011 }