
Coordinate-free Coverage in Sensor Networks with Controlled Boundaries via Homology

, and . The International Journal of Robotics Research, 25 (12): 1205--1222 (Dec 1, 2006)
DOI: 10.1177/0278364906072252


Tools from computational homology are introduced to verify coverage in an idealized sensor network. These methods are unique in that, while they are coordinate-free and assume no localization or orientation capabilities for the nodes, there are also no probabilistic assumptions. The key ingredient is the theory of homology from algebraic topology. The robustness of these tools is demonstrated by adapting them to a variety of settings, including static planar coverage, 3-D barrier coverage, and time-dependent sweeping coverage. Results are also given on hole repair, error tolerance, optimal coverage, and variable radii. An overview of implementation is given.

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