
Meaningful Learning and Retention: Intrapersonal Cognitive Variables

, and . Review of Educational Research, 31 (5): pp. 500-510 (1961)


Mosτ of the discussion in this chapter will be confined to research in cognitive structure variables and in cognitive style. The influence of individual differences in intellectual ability on learning, problem solving, academic achievement, and creativity has been adequately covered in two previous REVIEW issues, "The Education of Exceptional Children" (December 1959) and "Educational and Psychological Testing" (February 1959). The learner's developmental readiness for different kinds, components, levels of difficulty, and methods of teaching of subject matter, as influenced by age-level differences in cognitive maturity, is obviously relevant in the context of intrapersonal cognitive variables and has been considered in Chapter I of this issue.


JSTOR: Review of Educational Research, Vol. 31, No. 5 (Dec., 1961), pp. 500-510

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