
A Flexible Approach to Modelling Adaptive Course Sequencing based on Graphs implemented using Xlink

. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications(IJACSA), (2012)


A major challenge in developing systems of distance learning is the ability to adapt learning to individual users. This adaptation requires a flexible scheme for sequencing the material to teach diverse learners. This is where we intend to contribute to model the personalized learning paths to be followed by the learner to achieve his/her determined educational objective. Our modelling approach of sequencing is based on the pedagogical graph which is called SMARTGraph. This graph allows expressing the totality of the pedagogic constraints under which the learner is submitted in order to achieve his/her pedagogic objective. SMARTGraph is a graph in which the nodes are the learning units and the arcs are the pedagogic constraints between learning units. We shall see how it is possible to organize the learning units and the learning paths to answer the expectations within the framework of individual courses according to the learner profile or within the framework of group courses. To implement our approach we exploit the strength of XLink (XML Linking Language) to define the sequencing graph.

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