
Views: object-inspired concurrency control

, и . Proceedings of the 32nd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering - Volume 1, стр. 395--404. New York, NY, USA, ACM, (2010)
DOI: 10.1145/1806799.1806858


We present views, a new approach to controlling concurrency. Fine-grained locking is often necessary to increase concurrency. Correctly implementing fine-grained locking with today's concurrency primitives can be challenging---race conditions often plague programs with sophisticated locking schemes. Views ease the task of implementing sophisticated locking schemes and provide static checks to automatically detect many data races.</p> <p>Views consist of view declarations that describe which views of an object may be simultaneously held by different threads, which object fields may be accessed through a given view, and which methods can be called through a given view. A set of view annotations specify which code regions hold a view of an object. Our view compiler performs simple static checks which eliminate many data races.</p> <p>We have ported three benchmark applications to use views: portions of Vuze, a BitTorrent client; Mailpuccino, a graphical e-mail client; and TupleSoup, a database. Our experience indicates that views are easy to use, make implementing sophisticated locking schemes simple, and can help eliminate concurrency bugs.



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  • @gron
  • @dblp
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