@inproceedings{TramwayRG2004, abstract = {The purpose of this paper is threefold: (1) to show a methodology for introducing formality step-by-step, starting from a "light-weight'' ontology, (2) to apply it to the generic Route Graph model, instantiated here to Tramway Networks, and (3) to demonstrate that separation of concerns into layers of abstraction and application of generic formal notions such as graph abstraction lead to a useful decomposition of safety properties.}, added-at = {2016-08-05T15:59:03.000+0200}, author = {L{\"u}ttich, K. and Krieg-Br{\"u}ckner, B. and Mossakowski, T.}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/2a52af1f6a5444cfb231f811d0220a6fe/tillmo}, booktitle = {FORMS/FORMAT 2004 -- Formal Methods for Automation and Safety in Railway and Automotive Systems}, editor = {Schnieder, E. and Tarnai, G.}, interhash = {c6c7d763f13cad1328c777de1a3b5344}, intrahash = {a52af1f6a5444cfb231f811d0220a6fe}, isbn = {3-9803363-8-7}, keywords = {CASL Graph Ontology Route Safety Tramway}, pages = {109-119}, pdfurl = {http://www.informatik.uni-bremen.de/agbkb/publikationen/luettich/tramway-rg.pdf}, status = {Reviewed}, timestamp = {2016-08-05T15:59:03.000+0200}, title = {Tramway {N}etworks as {R}oute {G}raphs}, year = 2004 }