

, , and . IJIRIS:: International Journal of Innovative Research in Information Security, Volume V (Issue IX): 492-496 (November 2018)1. Qaddumi, J., & Khawaldeh, A. Pressure ulcer prevention knowledge among Jordanian nurses: a cross-sectional study. BMC Nursing, 13(1). Nov. 2014 2. Calderon, M., Hurtado, L., Eugenio, A., Agustin, M., Cartaquis, M., Diaz, P., … Bautista, Q. (2017). The knowledge of nurses in pressure ulcer prevention and their attitude towards the use of the Braden scale. Retrieved from www.nursingrepository.org 3. Al Shidi, A. Thesis on Pressure management in Oman: Nurses’ knowledge and views. University of Glasgow. Sep. 2016 4. Uba, N., Alih, I., Kever, T., & Lola, N. Knowledge attitude and practice of nurses toward pressure ulcer prevention in University of Maiduguri Teaching Hospital, Borno State, North-Eastern Nigeria. International Journal of Nursing and Midwifery, 7(14), 54–60. July. 2015 5. Mwebaza, I., Katende, G., Groves, S., & Nankumbi, J. Nurses’ Knowledge, Practices, and Barriers in Care of Patients with Pressure Ulcers in a Ugandan Teaching Hospital. Journal of Nursing Research and Practice. Dec. 2014 6. Shrestha, R.. Knowledge and practices of bed sore prevention among staff nurses working in a selected hospital, Ludhiana, Punjab, India. Journal of Chitwan Medical College, 6(18), 18–23. Dec. 2016 7. Muna, S., Rula, F., Rawan, M., & Mohammad, S. Exploring Nurses’ Knowledge and Perceived Barriers to Carry Out Pressure Ulcer Prevention and Treatment, Documentation, and Risk Assessment. American International Journal of Contemporary Research, 4(4), 112–119. May. 2014 8. Al-Ghamdi, A. Factors Affecting Nurses’ Compliance in Preventing Pressure Ulcer Among Hospitalized Patients at King Abdulaziz University Hospital. American Journal of Nursing Science, 6(5), 387–395. May. 2017. 9. Dilie, A., & Mengistu, D. Assessment of Nurses’ Knowledge, Attitude, and Perceived Barriers to Expressed Pressure Ulcer Prevention Practice in Addis Ababa Government Hospitals, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Hindawi Publishing Corporation, Sep. 2015. 10. Bayoumi, M., & Bassuni, E. Saudi Nurses’ Level of Knowledge Regarding to Pressure Ulcer Preventive Measures. International Journal of Prevention and Treatment, 5(1), 7–11.Sep.2016 11. Nuru, N., Zewdu, F., Amsalu, S., & Mehretie, Y. Knowledge and practice of nurses towards prevention of pressure ulcer and associated factors in Gondar University Hospital, Northwest Ethiopia. BMC Nursing, 14(34), Sep. 2015. 12. Getanda, A., Chirchir, V., Omune, F., Tanui, C., Kosgey, A., & Ayumba, R. Awareness of Risk Assessment and Prevention of Pressure Ulcers amongst Nurses Working in Surgical and Orthopedic Wards of a Kenyan National Hospital. Kenya Journal of Nursing and Midwifery, 1(1), 1–10. July. 2016 13. McDonald, M. Systemic assessment of learning outcome: Developing multiple choice examinations (1st Edition). Sudbury MA: Jones & Bartiett Publishers.2002.
DOI: doi://10.26562/IJIRIS.2018.NVIS10080


Knowledge of guidelines can have a bearing on implementation of pressure ulcer prevention strategies. This was a descriptive cross-sectional study conducted among 200 nurses working at Embu Level 5 Teaching and Referral Hospital. The aim of the study was to assess the knowledge levels and determine the factors influencing the knowledge leves. The sample size was 145 calculated using Yamane 1967 formula where 118 nurses participated in the study. This represented a response rate of 81%. Respondents were selected using two methods i.e. stratified random sampling coupled with systematic random sampling. The duty rotas in the wards acted as the sampling frame and every second nurse on the duty rota who consented, participated in the study. Permission to collect data was obtained from the County Director of Health and the Chief Executive Officer of the hospital. The participants also signed an informed consent form before filling questionnaires. Data was collected using a self administered questionnaire which was developed based on the Nursing Council of Kenya (NCK) guidelines which were found in the NCK procedure manual. Data was coded and entered into SPSS version 21 software for analysis. Chi squared test was used to test for any significance in association between the variables. Majority (85.6%) of the nurses were found to have adequate knowledge of the NCK pressure ulcer prevention guidelines, while 14.4% had inadequate knowledge. The mean score was 87.5%, range of 55-100% and SD=8.9. Qualification, attendance of Continuous Professional Development (CPD) sessions, and years of experience significantly affected knowledge levels at p=<0.05.


Higher levels of knowledge about decubitus ulcer prevention amongst nurse practitioners, greatly impacts the quality of clinical nursing care, and greatly reduces the duration of time spent in the hospital by the patients [1] In a study done to determine nurses’ knowledge, nurses were found to have adequate knowledge on pressure ulcer prevention based on Pieper knowledge questionnaire.

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