@inproceedings{tiros2015, added-at = {2017-04-27T11:17:18.000+0200}, address = {Hamburg, Germany}, author = {Thosar, Madhura}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/2a6a98115bfd22e0978c8e88ae4a6d48c/madh_bib}, booktitle = {Learning Object Affordances: a Fundamental Step to Allow Prediction, Planning and Tool Use? Workshop at The 2015 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems}, interhash = {f28bdd816b4b4fe128a84db5783c3f4e}, intrahash = {a6a98115bfd22e0978c8e88ae4a6d48c}, keywords = {imported myown}, mendeley-groups = {Mad{\_}Publication}, timestamp = {2017-04-27T11:17:38.000+0200}, title = {{Can I Use a Sandal Instead of a Hammer?: A Cognitive Approach to a Tool Substitution (Extended Abstract)}}, year = 2015 }