
Unwilful ignorance: attitudes to trade unions among Deliveroo riders in Belgium

, , und . ETUI Policy Brief, 6/2019. European Trade Union Institute, Brussels, (August 2019)


This policy brief shows that only a small minority of Deliveroo riders in Belgium, who are predominantly male, young and students, hold negative views about trade unions. Lack of exposure to and knowledge about unions was instead cited as the biggest reason why many of the riders are not members, with many of them undecided or ambivalent about the idea. The paper also examines the low unionisation rate among riders that seems to be partly due to a lack of organising initiatives and strategies on the part of trade unions. Organising the riders, fostering solidarity between student, migrant and self-employed riders, and building a collective identity requires tailored organising strategies which take into consideration the riders' individual situations as well as the labour market context. Trade unions could offer stability, experience and knowledge in the fast-changing platform-based food delivery industry.

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