
FakeMi: A Fake Mirror System for Avatar Embodiment Studies

, , and . Proceeding of the 22nd ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST), page 73-76. (2016)


This paper introduces a fake mirror system as a research tool to study the effect of avatar embodiment with a non-immersive virtual environment. The system combines marker-less face and body tracking to animate the individual avatars seen in a stereoscopic display with a correct perspective projection. The display dimensions match typical dimensions of a real physical mirror and the animated avatars are rendered based on a geometrically correct reflection as expected from a real mirror including correct body and face animations. The first evaluation of the system reveals the high acceptance of the setup as well as a convincing illusion of a real mirror with different types of avatars.

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  • @rothnroll
  • @hci-uwb
  • @dblp
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