
Two species models of intracellular transport

, , and . Abstract Book of the XXIII IUPAP International Conference on Statistical Physics, Genova, Italy, (9-13 July 2007)


Systems of self-driven particles combine a stochastic motion with a directional bias. This type of particle dynamics is generic for a wide range of applications including vehicular traffic and intracellular transport. In the latter case the active particles, i.e. molecular motors, perform a stepwise motion along the cellular filament network. Besides the directional bias it is important to take the finite processivity of the molecular motors into account. This realised by introducing bulk reservoirs exchanging particles with given rates. Motivated by experimental results on the interplay between molecular motors and ?-proteins we discuss the influence of a second species of particles, which does not influence the particle dynamics on the filaments but alters locally the attach rates of the motor proteins.

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