
Flavour specific neutrino self-interaction: $H_0$ tension and IceCube

, , and . (2020)cite arxiv:2011.13685Comment: 17 Pages, 10 figures.


Self interaction in the active neutrinos is studied in the literature to alleviate the $H_0$ tension. Similar self-interaction can also explain the observed dips in the flux of the neutrinos, coming from the distant astro-physical sources, in IceCube detectors. In contrast to the flavour universal neutrino interactions considered for solving the $H_0$ tension, which is ruled out from particle physics experiments, we consider flavour specific neutrino interactions in CMB and IceCube data. We show that the values of self-interaction coupling constant and mediator mass required for explaining the IceCube dips are inconsistent with the strong neutrino self-interactions preferred by the combination of the HST and Planck data. However, the smaller amount of self-interaction between $\nu_\tau$ can explain the resonant absorption features in IceCube data and help in solving the $H_0$ tension.


Flavour specific neutrino self-interaction: $H_0$ tension and IceCube

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