
Media Accessibility: Issues and Standards of Audio Visual Translation in Spain and Beyond

. Translation Watch Quarterly, (2007)


The impact of Spanish Language in Southern Europe has enriched literature not just in that corner of the world but extended to the World Wide Web. Spanish competes with French, German and English as a language of communication and education. Overseas demand for learning the language for cultural and applied purposes is overtaking the availability of qualified teachers, translators and interpreters. Witness in this respect the contributions being made by the Cervantes Institute both in Spain itself and abroad. Given the rich complexity of current day Spanish with all the depth of its history, this volume takes a wise course of action by focusing mainly on vital communication areas of Media Accessibility and Audiovisual Translation. Away from Spain but staying with the media thread and in a part of the world with strong historical links with the country, this volume turns its attention to digital developments in the media and the current screen oriented Arab “society characterized by its young population” with a wide ranging interest in “infotainment” and a growing use of digital sources, at the expense of printed media, as well as primary fixed line or mobile telephones and gradually, radio broadcasts....

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