
Application of the Confined Quantum Field Theory in the Statistical Physics.

. Abstract Book of the XXIII IUPAP International Conference on Statistical Physics, Genova, Italy, (9-13 July 2007)


Confined Quantum Field Theory solves some fundamental problems in physics like the conflict between the theory of the relativity and the quantum field theory. Concerning statistical physics is its simple description of superconductivity and super fluidity, which is a transition from disorder to order movement of the conducting electrons. CQFT establishes a relation between the metric of the quantum domain and the energy density, therefore the energy of the electron dictates the radius of confinement. The elements of the superconductivity are electrons with radius of confinements coincide with some number of periods of the bulk. Ordered movement of the conducting electrons preserves the periodicity. We show that in fact the Boltzmann equation can be used to describe this transition.

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