
Wetting phenomena at the nanoscale inside sharp cracks in silica glasses

, , , , , and . Abstract Book of the XXIII IUPAP International Conference on Statistical Physics, Genova, Italy, (9-13 July 2007)


Since crack propagation in oxide materials at low crack velocities is partly determined by chemical corrosion, proper knowledge of the crack tip chemistry is crucial for understanding fracture in these materials. Such knowledge can be obtained only from in situ studies because the processes that occur in the highly confined environment of the crack tip are very different from those that take place at free surfaces, or that can be traced post mortem. We report the occurrence of hydrous liquid condensate between the two fracture surfaces in the vicinity of the tip of tensile cracks in silica. Observations are performed in real-time by means of atomic force microscopy (AFM) at continuously controlled crack velocities in the regime of stress corrosion 1. The liquid character of the condensation is confirmed by the study of AFM phase-contrast data. Condensate formation and changes in extent and shape are demonstrated for a wide range of macroscopic humidity at different crack speeds 2. These observations are then compared with the predictions obtained by combining the theoretical models for capillary condensation and for the formation of thin wetting films on the fracture surfaces. It is believed that this evidence of a nanoscale liquid hydrous phase at the crack tip will enable novel insights in the chemistry of failure of oxide materials as well as in the physics of wetting at the nanoscale.\\ 1) Wondraczek L., Ciccotti M. et al., 2006. J. Am. Cer. Soc. 892, pp. 746-749.\\ 2) Ciccotti M., George M., et al., 2007. J. Non-Crist. Solids. Under review.

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