
On solution of BBGKY hierarchy for quantum many-particle systems

, and . Abstract Book of the XXIII IUPAP International Conference on Statistical Physics, Genova, Italy, (9-13 July 2007)


We construct a new representation for a solution of the initial value problem to the quantum BBGKY hierarchy of equations 1 $$ ddt F(t)=e^a(-N)e^-aF(t), $$ $$ F(t)\mid_t=0=F(0), $$ where an analog of the annihilation operator: $(af)_n(1,łdots,n)=Tr_n+1f_n+1(1,$ $łdots,n,n+1),$ is defined and bounded in the space of sequences of trace operators $L_\alpha^1(F)$~ (where $F$ is the Fock space), the von Neumann operator $N=\bigoplusłimits_n=1^ınfty N_n$~ ($h=2\pi\hbar$ is a Planck constant): $(Nf)_n=N_nf_n \equiv1i\hbar\big(f_nH_n-H_nf_n\big),$ is defined in the domain $D(N)\subset L^1_\alpha(F)$ described in 2~($H_n$ is a self-adjoin $n$-particle Hamilton operator 2). We prove the criterion of the cumulant representation for a solution of the initial value problem to the quantum BBGKY hierarchy. Constructed representation for a solution has the form of an expansion over particle clusters $$ F_s(t,Y)=\sumłimits_n=0^ınfty1n!Tr_s+1,łdots,s+n\times $$ $$ U_1+n(t;Y,XY)F_s+n(0;X), $$ whose evolution are described by the corresponding order cumulant (semi-invariant) of the evolution operators of finitely many-particle quantum systems $$ \Big(U_1+|XY|(t)F_|X|(0)\Big)(Y,XY)= $$ $$ = \sumłimits_P:\,(Y,XY)=\bigcupłimits_iX_i (-1)^|P|-1(|P|-1)!\times $$ $$ \times\prodłimits_i=1^|P| U_|X_i|(-t;X_i) F_|X|(0;X)\prodłimits_j=1^|P|U^-1_|X_j|(-t;X_j), $$ where $U_n(-t)= e^-i\hbartH_n,$ $U_n^-1(-t)= e^i\hbartH_n$ and $\sumłimits_P$ is the sum of all possible partitions $P$ of the set $\Y,XY\=(1\cup s,s+1,łdots,s+n)$ into $|P|$ nonempty mutually nonintersecting subsets $X_i\subset\Y,XY\$, the symbol $1\cupłdotss$ implies, that $s$ particles evolve as a cluster, the same way as particles $s+1,łdots,s+n,$, i.e., in this case the number of elements of the set $\Y,XY\$ is equal to $|Y|+|XY|=1+n$. We prove 3 the existence and uniqueness theorem for initial data from the space of sequences of trace operators $L_\alpha^1(F)$. If $F(0)ınL_\alpha^1(F)$, then for $\alpha>e$ there exists a unique global ($-ınfty<t<ınfty$) solution to the initial value problem to the quantum BBGKY hierarchy given by the above formula. This solution is a strong solution for $F(0)ın D(N)\subset L^1_\alpha(F)$ and a weak one for arbitrary initial data from the space $L^1_\alpha(F)$. We note, that the parameter $\alpha$ can be interpreted as a quantity inverse to the density of the system. We also discuss the problem of the construction of a solution in the space of sequences of bounded operators describing states of infinitely many particle systems, in particular, the sequence of $n$-particle equilibrium operators belongs to this space. For initial data from such space each term of the solution expansion contains the divergent traces. The stated cumulant nature of the solution expansion guarantee the compensation of divergent traces in every its term. On the basis of cluster expansions for the evolution operators of finitely many particle quantum systems we give the classification of the possible solution representations of the quantum BBGKY hierarchy in the case of Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics.\\ 1) C.~Cercignani, V.I.~Gerasimenko and D.Ya.~Petrina, ıt Many-particle dynamics and kinetic equations. Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1997.\\ 2) D.Ya.~Petrina, Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Statistical Mechanics. Continuous Systems. Amsterdam: Kluwer, 1995.\\ 3) V.I.~Gerasimenko, V.O.~Shtyk, Initial value problem of quantum BBGKY hierarchy of many-particle systems. Ukrainian Math. J., v.9, 2006, P.1175-1191.

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