
The influence of English on Slovenian library terminology

Aslib Proceedings, (2002)


The article describes the experiment that attempted to find out the extent to which English language influences the terminology of Slovenian library and information science. The results of a stemming procedure of Slovenian texts from this area, published in 1998 and 1999, were inspected. Three corpora were inspected, of 15,000 words each. Instead of words appearing in articles, stems, which were a result of the stemming procedure, were inspected. The goal was to find the amount of stems of English origin and thus to estimate the influence of English. A limit of 3 per cent was set as a boundary between significant and non-significant influence. The experiment found that English stems were strongly prevailing among all foreign origin stems. However, the amount of stems of English origin was 1.3 per cent, which was below the limit set as a significant influence.


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  • @sofiagruiz92

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