
On Series-Parallel Pomset Languages: Rationality, Context-Freeness and Automata

, , , , and . (2018)cite arxiv:1812.03058Comment: Accepted manuscript.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jlamp.2018.12.001


Concurrent Kleene Algebra (CKA) is a formalism to study concurrent programs. Like previous Kleene Algebra extensions, developing a correspondence between denotational and operational perspectives is important, for both foundations and applications. This paper takes an important step towards such a correspondence, by precisely relating bi-Kleene Algebra (BKA), a fragment of CKA, to a novel type of automata, pomset automata (PAs). We show that PAs can implement the BKA semantics of series-parallel rational expressions, and that a class of PAs can be translated back to these expressions. We also characterise the behavior of general PAs in terms of context-free pomset grammars; consequently, universality, equivalence and series-parallel rationality of general PAs are undecidable.


[1812.03058] On Series-Parallel Pomset Languages: Rationality, Context-Freeness and Automata

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