
Towards a Semantic Wiki Experience - Desktop Integration and Interactivity in WikSAR

. (November 2005)


Focus on semantic annotations and authoring. - embedded queries - suggest editing help but seems not to have it yet - desktop integration (mostly planned) / desktops search via http / magnet uri scheme - dates 2 ical format - bookmarklets - interactive graph viz and navigation (a bit too confusing for me) layout: rendered page, pagesource to edit, context-dependent links wikiword / camelcase syntax demo: http://wiki.navigable.info/HomePage


All references containing the term "wiki" from the bibtex files of papers on the SemWiki2006 WS

Links and resources



  • @leobard
  • @schmitz
  • @lysander07
  • @dblp
  • @kweiand
  • @xamde
@lysander07's tags highlighted