PhD thesis,

The environmental health of a private, church-related college: A descriptive case study

Walden University, (1995)


Throughout the centuries, there has been an evolution within the institution of higher education. From the medieval college to the modern university, the paradigm for effective higher education has changed. In the midst of these changes, the small church-based college has seen its position decline in recent years. Some have even questioned whether such colleges will even exist in the next century. As one looks at the history of colleges, it is interesting to find that the present-day church-based college may most closely reflect the spirit of what education was all about in those earlier colleges and universities. The question for these colleges today is whether or not they can maintain the religious perspectives of the past and still provide a quality education that will serve society today. The purpose of this study was to select a church-based college and by means of a case study examine its institutional health within present society. To help determine this, the Academic Institution Building Model designed by Phil Chamberlain was utilized. By means of assessment questions in nine institutional variables, fourteen individuals provided insights into the overall strategic position of the institution. Interviews were also utilized in order to provide an accurate picture of how well the college provided services to its constituencies in exchange for resources. It was found that this particular institution operated at a percentage of 88\% full health. In other words, the overall interaction of services and linkages with the environment were just under the standard of adequate. Specific areas were identified which will allow the institution to move to a stronger position of health in the months to come. While there are areas that need attention, it would seem that the church-based colleges do provide quality education that fulfills an important niche within higher education throughout this country based upon this particular case study. It would be of great value for similar institutions to do similar studies to ensure their both the present status of their college and the future role in education.



  • @prophe

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