
Long-duration, spectrally-soft Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs) are associated with Type Ic Core Collapse (CC) Supernovae (SNe), and thus arise from the death of massive stars. Therefore, the jet launched by their central engine must bore its way out of the progenitor star before it can produce a GRB. Most of these jets do not break out, and are instead chocked inside the star as the central-engine activity time, \$t\_e\$, is not long enough. Such events do not lead to typical GRBs, and instead possibly result in low-luminosity GRBs. Modelling the long-soft GRB duration distribution, we find a typical GRB jet breakout time of \$t\_b60 s\$ (in the star's frame), which suggests the presence of a low-density, extended envelope surrounding the progenitor star. The envelope properties are similar to those previously inferred for low-luminosity GRBs, pointing towards a common progenitor for both low-luminosity GRBs and long-soft GRBs. Moreover, the distribution of central engine activity times is consistent with a steep power law \$t\_\rm e^-\alpha\$, with \$\alpha4\$ for \$t\_e>t\_min\$. The extrapolation of \$t\_e\$ to values only \$4-5\$ times below \$t\_b\$ produces enough events to account for all Type Ib/c SNe, corresponding to an interesting lower limit, \$t\_min\gtrsim13\;\$s. This suggests that central engines launching relativistic jets may operate in all Type Ib/c SNe. In this case, the existence of a common central engine would imply that (i) the jet may significantly contribute to the energy of the SN; (ii) various observational signatures, like the asphericity of the explosion, could be directly related to jet's interaction with the star.

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