
Utilizing outdoor spaces at a public library: A sustainability success story

. IFLA ENSULIB Newsletter, 3 (2): 23-25 (2023)Alabama; Auburn Public Library; Outdooe spaces; Public libraries; Sustainability; USA.


Connecting with nature and getting time outside is known to benefit both mental and physical health, acting to reduce depression, anxiety, and stress levels. In urban areas, however, there can be limited opportunities for exposure to natural elements such as plants, native animals, and sunshine. For this reason, providing inviting outdoor areas with lush vegetation at libraries and other public institutions can increase community well-being (White et al, 2013). If done well, these nature areas can also make a library space more eco-friendly and improve sustainability. Programs held in open air areas are also less likely to spread contagions among attendees and can extend programming space as Auburn Public Library in Auburn, AL has found. In this article, we'll highlight some of the successes of utilizing outdoor space at Auburn Public Library, an urban library in Auburn, AL, USA.

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