
Safety and Health in the Company: Information and Tips on Management Responsibility

. Leitfaden Recht Berufsgenossenschaft der Feinmechanik und Elektrotechnik (BG FE), Köln, (December 2006)


The company management has supreme responsibility in the hierarchy and retains it, even if responsibility is delegated. It can include managers in their overall responsibility. The company's responsibility is divided among the managers deployed by means of delegation, i.e. they are included in company responsibility in the area of the tasks assigned. This means that you as a manager take the place of the company owner in your delegated area of responsibility. In the area of responsibility assigned to you, you are responsible for the safety and health protection of the employees entrusted to you (duty of welfare). At the same time, you also have the so-called duty of insurance over 'third parties' (people from outside) who happen to be in your area of responsibility.

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