
Investigating Nearby Exoplanets via Interstellar Radar

. (2013)cite arxiv:1301.0825Comment: 6 pages. no figures; Second version - found previous work and included it; report range for Earth size planets; change proposed polarization to circular.


Interstellar radar is a potential intermediate step between passive observation of exoplanets and interstellar exploratory missions. Compared to passive observation, it has the traditional advantages of radar astronomy. It can measure surface characteristics, determine spin rates and axes, provide extremely accurate ranges, construct maps of planets, distinguish liquid from solid surfaces, find rings and moons, and penetrate clouds. It can do this even for planets close to the parent star. Compared to interstellar travel or probes, it also offers significant advantages. The technology required to build such a radar already exists, radar can return results within a human lifetime, and a single facility can investigate thousands of planetary systems. The cost, although high, is within the reach of Earth's economy, so it is cheaper as well.


Investigating Nearby Exoplanets via Interstellar Radar

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