
The Stick-e Note Architecture: Extending the Interface Beyond the User

. page 261--264. ACM Press, (1997)


This paper proposes a redefinition of the human-computer interface, extending its boundaries to encompass interaction with the user's physical environment. This extension to the interface enables computers to become aware of their context of use and intelligently adapt their activities and interface to suit their current circumstances. Context-awareness promises to greatly enhance user interfaces, but the complexity of capturing, representing and processing contextual data, presents a major obstacle to its further development. The Stick-e Note Architecture is proposed as a solution to this problem, offering a universal means of providing context-awareness through an easily understood metaphor based on the Post-It note. Keywords context-aware computing, stick-e note architecture, mobile computing, ubiquitous computing, situated information spaces. INTRODUCTION In addition to studying the communication protocols between human and computer (e.g. GUIs), there is a huge potential in im...


The Stick-e Note Architecture: Extending the Interface Beyond the User

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