
Strengthening capacity in developing countries for evidence-based public health:: the data for decision-making project

, , , , , , , и . Social science & medicine, 57 (10): 1925 (11/15 2003)M3: Article; Accession Number: 10903681; Pappaioanou, Marguerite 1; Email Address: mxp1@cdc.gov Malison, Michael 2 Wilkins, Karen 3 Otto, Bradley 4 Goodman, Richard A. 5 Churchill, R. Elliott 6 White, Mark 7 Thacker, Stephen B. 8; Affiliation: 1: Office of Global Health, Mailstop D-69, 1600 Clifton Road, Atlanta, GA 30333, USA 2: Office of the Director, Public Health Practice Program Office, CDC, USA 3: Data for Decision-Making Project, Division of International Health, Epidemiology Program Office, CDC, USA 4: Indonesia Office, International Health Unit, MacFarlane Burnet Institute for Medical Research and Public Health Ltd., Indonesia 5: Division of Public Health Systems Development and Research, Public Health Practice Program Office, CDC, USA 6: Division of International Health, Epidemiology Program Office, CDC, USA 7: Division of International Health, EPO, CDC, USA 8: Epidemiology Program Office, CDC, USA; Source Info: Nov2003, Vol. 57 Issue 10, p1925; Subject Term: PUBLIC health; Subject Term: HEALTH; Subject Term: MEDICINE; Subject Term: MEXICO; Subject Term: PHILIPPINES; Subject Term: CAMEROON; Author-Supplied Keyword: Capacity building; Author-Supplied Keyword: Decision making; Author-Supplied Keyword: Epidemiology; Author-Supplied Keyword: Global health; Author-Supplied Keyword: Health information systems; Author-Supplied Keyword: Management; Author-Supplied Keyword: Public health policy; NAICS/Industry Codes: 525120 Health and Welfare Funds; Number of Pages: 13p; Document Type: Article.


Public health officials and the communities they serve need to: identify priority health problems; formulate effective health policies; respond to public health emergencies; select, implement, and evaluate cost-effective interventions to prevent and control disease and injury; and allocate human and financial resources. Despite agreement that rational, data-based decisions will lead to improved health outcomes, many public health decisions appear to be made intuitively or politically. During 1991–1996, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention implemented the US Agency for International Development funded Data for Decision-Making (DDM) Project. DDM goals were to: (a) strengthen the capacity of decision makers to identify data needs for solving problems and to interpret and use data appropriately for public health decisions; (b) enhance the capacity of technical advisors to provide valid, essential, and timely data to decision makers clearly and effectively; and (c) strengthen health information systems (HISs) to facilitate the collection, analysis, reporting, presentation, and use of data at local, district, regional, and national levels. Assessments were conducted to identify important health problems, problem-driven implementation plans with data-based solutions as objectives were developed, interdisciplinary, in-service training programs for mid-level policy makers, program managers, and technical advisors in applied epidemiology, management and leadership, communications, economic evaluation, and HISs were designed and implemented, national staff were trained in the refinement of HISs to improve access to essential data from multiple sources, and the effectiveness of the strategy was evaluated. This strategy was tested in Bolivia, Cameroon, Mexico, and the Philippines, where decentralization of health services led to a need to strengthen the capacity of policy makers and health officers at sub-national levels to use information more ... Copyright 2003 Elsevier; Copyright of Social Science & Medicine is the property of Pergamon Press - An Imprint of Elsevier Science and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts)


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