
In this paper, we look at the complexity of designing algorithms without any bank conflicts in the shared memory of Graphical Processing Units (GPUs). Given input of size $n$, $w$ processors and $w$ memory banks, we study three fundamental problems: sorting, permuting and $w$-way partitioning (defined as sorting an input containing exactly $n/w$ copies of every integer in $w$). We solve sorting in optimal $O(\textbackslashfrac\n\\w\ \textbackslashlog n)$ time. When $n \textbackslashge w^2$, we solve the partitioning problem optimally in $O(n/w)$ time. We also present a general solution for the partitioning problem which takes $O(\textbackslashfrac\n\\w\ \textbackslashlog^3_\n/w\ w)$ time. Finally, we solve the permutation problem using a randomized algorithm in $O(\textbackslashfrac\n\\w\ \textbackslashlog\textbackslashlog\textbackslashlog_\n/w\ n)$ time. Our results show evidence that when working with banked memory architectures, there is a separation between these problems and the permutation and partitioning problems are not as easy as simple parallel scanning.

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  • @christophv
  • @dblp
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