
Raman microspectroscopy was applied for an in situ localization of the malaria pigment hemozoin in Plasmodium falciparum-infected erythrocytes. The Raman spectra (lambdaexc=633 nm) of hemozoin show very intense signals with a very good signal-to-noise ratio. These in situ Raman signals of hemozoin were compared to Raman spectra of extracted hemozoin, of the synthetic analogue beta-hematin, and of hematin and hemin. beta-Hematin was synthesized according to the acid-catalyzed dehydration of hematin and the anhydrous dehydrohalogenation of hemin which lead to good crystals with lengths of about 5-30 microm. The Raman spectra (lambdaexc=1064 nm) of hemozoin and beta-hematin show almost identical behaviors, while some low wavenumber modes might be used to distinguish between the morphology of differently synthesized beta-hematin samples. The intensity pattern of the resonance Raman spectra (lambdaexc=568 nm) of hemozoin and beta-hematin differ significantly from those of hematin and hemin.

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