
Holonic Multiagent Systems -- Theory and Applications --

. Progress in Artificial Intelligence: 9th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence, EPIA '99, Évora, Portugal, volume 1695 of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Springer, Berlin, (1999)
DOI: 10.1007/3-540-48159-1_3


With the ever growing usage of the world wide IT networks, agent technologies and multiagent systems (MAS) are attracting more and more attention. Multiagent systems are designed to be open systems, wheras agent technologies aim at the design of agents that perform well in environments that are not necessarily well-structured and benevolent. Emergent system behaviour is one of the most interesting phenomena one can investigate in MAS. However, there is more to MAS design than the interaction between a number of agents. For an effective system behaviour we need structure and organisation. This paper presents basic concepts of a theory for holonic multiagent systems with the aim to define the building blocks of a theory that can explain organisation and dynamic reorganisation in MAS. In doing so it tries to bridge the well-known micro-macro gap in MAS theories. The basic concepts are illustrated with three application scenarios: flexible manufacturing, order dispatching in haulage companies, and train coupling and sharing.

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