
An Ex-Ante Evaluation for Solid Waste Treatment Facilities using LCCA

. Civil Engineering and Urban Planning: An International Journal(CiVEJ), 2 (4): 09-17 (December 2015)
DOI: 10.5121/civej.2015.2402


The application of Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) in infrastructure facilities projects has been marginalised so far especially in real-life projects. In many cases, the significance of this tool is not the end result by itself but the improvements that can be made to the infrastructure facility design during and as a result of the LCCA model development. This paper presents lessons-learnt from analysing and developing a LCCA model for an actual integrated municipal solid waste management infrastructure facility using the anaerobic treatment technology and recycling. The development of the LCCA model for the facility involved several distinctive steps such as system analysis and disintegration, maintenance and operation cost data acquisition, identifying relevant performance indicators for each operation that can be utilized in tandem with the LCCA model, setting up serviceability threshold for each operation. In addition to model development description, the paper highlights the requirements needed and the impediments that may be encountered when developing LCCA model for solid waste management facilities. At the end, the paper concludes with providing recommendations for decision makers and researchers in this field based on the experience gained from the model development.

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