
Characteristics and Thermal Efficiency of Biofuels: Rubber Seed Oil as a Renewable Energy Source

, und . International Journal of Innovative Science and Modern Engineering (IJISME), 1 (6): 18-20 (May 2013)


Biodiesel, Fatty Acid Methyl Esters are alternative diesel fuels. Generally they obtained from renewable bio–sources, chiefly rubber seed oil which is extracted from rubber seeds (Heavea braziliensis) and is the one with significant potential. In this presentation, the fuel characteristics and thermal efficiency of biodiesel (BD100), diesel (BD00) and a blend of five percent biodiesel (BBD5) by volume of diesel were studied with their performance and the emissions of blend of five percent biodiesel (BBD5) which was comparable to diesel. It is a pattern of research, basic for the development of other bio sources as well.

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