
Where stars form: inside-out growth and coherent star formation from HST Halpha maps of 2676 galaxies across the main sequence at z~1

, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , and . (2015)cite arxiv:1507.03999Comment: Submitted to ApJ. Main results: Fig. 6 shows the scale lengths of ionized gas vs. stellar disks. Fig. 9 shows where Halpha in galaxies is enhanced above and suppressed below the star-forming main sequence. Data points for Halpha profiles are available upon request.


We present Ha maps at 1kpc spatial resolution for star-forming galaxies at z~1, made possible by the WFC3 grism on HST. Employing this capability over all five 3D-HST/CANDELS fields provides a sample of 2676 galaxies. By creating deep stacked Halpha (Ha) images, we reach surface brightness limits of 1x10^-18\erg\s\cm^2\arcsec^2, allowing us to map the distribution of ionized gas out to >10kpc for typical L* galaxies at this epoch. We find that the spatial extent of the Ha distribution increases with stellar mass as r(Ha)kpc=1.5(Mstars/10^10Msun)^0.23. Furthermore, the Ha emission is more extended than the stellar continuum emission, consistent with inside-out assembly of galactic disks. This effect, however, is mass dependent with r(Ha)/r(stars)=1.1(M/10^10Msun)^0.054, such that at low masses r(Ha)~r(stars). We map the Ha distribution as a function of SFR(IR+UV) and find evidence for `coherent star formation' across the SFR-M plane: above the main sequence, Ha is enhanced at all radii; below the main sequence, Ha is depressed at all radii. This suggests that at all masses the physical processes driving the enhancement or suppression of star formation act throughout the disks of galaxies. It also confirms that the scatter in the star forming main sequence is real and caused by variations in the star formation rate at fixed mass. At high masses (10^10.5<M/Msun<10^11), above the main sequence, Ha is particularly enhanced in the center, plausibly building bulges and/or supermassive black holes. Below the main sequence, the star forming disks are more compact and a strong central dip in the EW(Ha), and the inferred specific star formation rate, appears. Importantly though, across the entirety of the SFR-M plane, the absolute star formation rate as traced by Ha is always centrally peaked, even in galaxies below the main sequence.


[1507.03999] Where stars form: inside-out growth and coherent star formation from HST Halpha maps of 2676 galaxies across the main sequence at z~1

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