
Applying Background Garbage Collection to the SBAST Flash Translation Layer Scheme

. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 3 (1): 294--297 (Januar 2015)
DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.150160


NAND-based block devices have the overhead of performing the garbage collection to reclaim clean pages. A feasible solution to this problem is performing a background garbage collection that is executed in advance in idle time. Because the background garbage collection can hurt the latency of the foreground requests, it needs to identify stable states of the background garbage collection so that it can be terminated instantly when a new I/O request arrives. This work applies the background garbage collection to one of the hybrid FTL, the SBAST scheme by analyzing the garbage collection process and identifying the stable states. The analysis shows that the worst influence on the foreground requests is limited to multiple page copies and one block erase

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