
Systems development in information systems research

, and . System Sciences, 1990., Proceedings of the Twenty-Third Annual Hawaii International Conference on, (January 1990)
DOI: 10.1109/HICSS.1990.205401


The authors critically review systems development in informationsystems (IS) research. Several classification schemes of research aredescribed and systems development is identified as a developmental,engineering, and formulative type of research. A framework of researchis proposed to explain the dual nature of systems development as aresearch methodology and a research domain in IS research. Progress inseveral disciplinary areas is reviewed to provide a basis to argue thatsystems development is a valid research methodology. A systemsdevelopment research process is presented from a methodologicalperspective. Software engineering, the basic method is applying thesystems development research methodology, is then discussed. A frameworkto classify IS research domain and various research methodologies instudying systems development is presented. It is suggested that systemsdevelopment and empirical research methodologies are complementary toeach other. It is further proposed that an integrated multidimensionaland multimethodological approach will generate fruitful research resultsin IS research


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