In this paper the problem of the high-energy hadron-hadron (dipole-dipole)
scattering is approached (for the first time) from the point of view of lattice
QCD, by means of Monte Carlo numerical simulations. In the first part, we give
a brief review of how high-energy scattering amplitudes can be reconstructed,
using a functional integral approach, in terms of certain correlation functions
of two Wilson loops and we also briefly recall some relevant analyticity and
crossing-symmetry properties of these loop-loop correlation functions, when
going from Euclidean to Minkowskian theory. In the second part, we shall see
how these (Euclidean) loop-loop correlation functions can be evaluated in
lattice QCD and we shall compare our numerical results with some
nonperturbative analytical estimates appeared in the literature, discussing in
particular the question of the analytic continuation from Euclidean to
Minkowskian theory and its relation to the still unsolved problem of the
asymptotic s-dependence of the hadron-hadron total cross sections.
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