
Therapeutic impact of biopesticide neem oil on health status of walking catfish Clarias batrachus for replacing synthetic organophosphorus pesticides

, , и . World Journal of Biology Pharmacy and Health Sciences, 14 (3): 083–091. (июля 2023)
DOI: 10.30574/wjbphs.2023.14.3.0248


Pesticides are widely used in agricultural purposes and indiscriminate use of pesticides resulted in unintentional harming of the environment. Lack of consciousness and education coupled with indifferent attitude also contributed to indiscriminate use of pesticides. Enormous amount of these toxic pesticides and other chemicals reaches in the aquatic environment by the runoff and other sources and polluted the water, air and soil for any living organisms. One of the fastest growing food producing sectors is aquaculture, supplying approximately 40% of the world’s fish food. Pesticides may be used in aquatic ecosystem to control the fish parasites, diseases, and other pests that have also adversely affected the aquatic ecosystem. Nuvan is an organophosphorus pesticide is widely used due to low persistence in environment but also affects the non-targeted organisms including fish. Synthetic chemicals generate environmental problems; researchers have been leaning towards pest control with natural or plant based substances. Protection of water quality is possible when rationalize the use of natural pesticides and promote biopesticides. Neem oil is a natural or mixtures of chemicals obtained from neem plant (Azadirachta indica) which has many significant benefits to overcome from the chemicals or synthetic pesticides. By making the health beneficial uses of neem oil accessible to the farmers in the society, the use of chemicals in agriculture can be reduced. The aim of the current study is to observe the impacts of nuvan and neem oil on the survival and health status of fishes which also affected the other animals by the food chain. Changes in blood parameters of fish are related to the response of the whole animal, which affect on survival, reproduction and growth of fish. Some alterations in cholesterol and triglycerides in serum of treated fish Clarias batrachus with 1/20 and 1/10 LC50 concentrations of nuvan and neem oil separately compared with non-treated one after 7, 15, 30 and 60 days of exposure were recorded and discussed. Also, this assessment may be essential for encourage suitable methods of application in aquatic organism production facilities to be fully explored in future.

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