
A Novel Method for Keyword Retrieval using Weighted Standard Deviation: “D4 Algorithm”

. Int. J. on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology,, 8 (1): 7 (January 2013)


Genetic Algorithm (GA) has been a successful method that is been used for extracting keywords. This paper presents a full method by which keywords can be derived from the various corpuses. We have built equations that exploit the structure of the documents from which the keywords need to be extracted. The procedures are been broken into two distinguished profiles: one is to weigh the words in the whole document content and the other is to explore the possibilities of the occurrence of key terms by using genetic algorithm. The basic equations of the heuristic mechanism is been varied to allow the complete exploitation of document. The Genetic Algorithm and the enhanced standard deviation method is used in full potential to enable the generation of the key terms that describe the given text document. The new technique has an enhanced performance and better time complexities.

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