
One of the major incentives in the pioneer studies of heredity and varia- tion which led to modern genetics was the hope of obtaining a deeper insight into the evolutionary process . Following the rediscovery of the Men- delian mechanism. there came a feeling that the solution of problems of evolution and of the control of the process. in animal. and plant breeding and in the human species, was at last well within reach. There has been no halt in the expansion of knowledge of heredity but the advances in the field of evolution have, perhaps, seemed disappointingly small. One finds the subject still frequently presented in essentially the same form as before 1900, with merely what seems a rather irrelevant addendum on Mendelian heredity. The difficulty seems to be the tendency to overlook the fact that the evolutionary process is concerned, not with individuals, but with the species, an intricate network of living matter, physically continuous in space-time, and with modes of response to external conditions which i t appears can be related to the genetics of individuals only as statistical consequences of the latter. From a still broader viewpoint (compare LOTKA 1925) the species itself is merely an element in a much more extensive evolving pattern but this is a phase of the matter which need not concern us here. LATER: The population number It will be well to discuss more fully, before going on, what is to be under- stood by the symbol N used here for population number. The conception is that of two random samples of gametes, N sperms and N eggs, drawn from the total gametes produced by the generation in question (N/2 males and N/2 females each with a double representation from each series of al- lelomorphs). Obviously N applies only to the breeding population and not to the total number of individuaIs of all ages. If the population fluctuates greatly, the effective N is much closer to the minimum number than to the maximum number. If there is a great difference between the number of mature males and females, i t is closer to the smaller number than to the larger. I n fact, as just shown, a population of N, males and an indefinitely large number of females is approximately equivalent to a population of 4N, individuals equally divided between males and females. The conditions of random sampling of gametes will seldom be closely ap- proached. The number of surviving off spring left by different parents may vary tremendously either through selection or merely accidental causes, a condition which tends to reduce the effective N far below the actual number of parents or even of grandparents. How small the effective N of a population may be is indicated by recent studies of SMITH and CALDER (1927) on the Clydesdale breed of horses in Scotland, in which they find a steady increase in the degree of inbreeding (Coefficient F) equivalent to that in population headed by only about a dozen stallions. Even more striking is the rapid increase in the coefficient of inbreeding in the early history of the Shorthorn breed of cattle (MCPHEE and WRIGHT 1925).

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