
Release decisions are of pivotal importance for product success in incremental and iterative software development. In this paper, the wickedness of these decisions is approached by a collective problem solving process. The paradigm of Open Innovations is emphasizing the range of opportunities available to get access to distributed knowledge and information. In particular, we apply (i) Analytical Open Innovation for information gathering and (ii) Morphological Analysis (MA) for problem structuring. The proposed decision support methodology is illustrated by a comprehensive case study. In the context of OTT service delivery, planning of both features and their different functionality levels is studied. From the broad involvement of stakeholders in the whole formulation, structuring and solution process, a higher validity and customer value of the developed products is demonstrated. Without performing MA, the proposed feature implementations would include inconsistencies and thus create customer and user concerns. Furthermore, from community based detection of cost and value synergies, potential resource savings and additional value creation opportunities are utilized.

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  • @dblp
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