
A Comprehensive Analysis of Pegasus Spyware and Its Implications for Digital Privacy and Security

. International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 12 (3): 1360–1373 (2024)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2404.19677


This paper comprehensively analyzes the Pegasus spyware and its implications for digital privacy and security. The Israeli cyber intelligence company NSO Group's Pegasus has gained recognition as a potent surveillance tool capable of hacking into smartphones and extracting data without the user's knowledge 49, 50. The research emphasizes the technical aspects of this spyware, its deployment methods, and the controversies surrounding its use. The research also emphasizes the growing worries surrounding digital privacy and security as a result of the prevalent use of advanced spyware. By delving into legal, ethical, and policy issues, the objective of this study is to deliver a holistic understanding of the challenges posed by Pegasus and similar spyware tools. Through a comprehensive examination of the subject, the paper presents potential solutions to mitigate the threats and protect users from invasive surveillance techniques.


A Comprehensive Analysis of Pegasus Spyware and Its Implications for Digital Privacy and Security

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